[Video] The Cultural Legacy of the Black Auntie w/ Sociologist Regina Davis - Sowers, Ph.D.

Hey Sis!

Happy Black History Month, Week, Day, and Year!

Fun fact about me: I am a history enthusiast! In fact, one of my life quotes is by Marcus Garvey, who once said, "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."

So, you can only imagine how excited I was to have a conversation with the incredible sociologist, Dr. Regina Davis - Sowers, about the cultural legacy of the Black auntie.

Let me give you an idea: humbled, ecstatic, grateful, and, even a bit nervous (in the best way).

Honestly, I do not think there are enough words to truly express how I felt about this profound opportunity to sit, listen, learn and ask Dr. Davis - Sowers questions about the powerful legacy of the Black auntie in the past, present, and as we look into the future.

We also chat about the definition of an "auntie," aunties' unique role in protecting and supporting our mental health, why we must know our history, especially regarding family and intergenerational support systems, and so much more!

And in pure auntie fashion, Dr. Davis - Sowers concludes our conversation with some powerful words of encouragement for us at Hey Auntie!

I hope you enjoy my conversation with Dr. Davis- Sowers as much as I did.

And, in honor of Black History Month and every month, please share with your friends and families, especially your aunties, and remember to celebrate them this month, and every month, for their love, support, and immeasurable contributions to us and our community.


I also want you to know we are excited to be launching our first 1: 1 Hey Auntie! Connections experience in April 2022! If you are interested in being an auntie (sharing wisdom, stories and advice) or an auntee (seeking wisdom, stories and advice) and being matched, request an [invite by clicking here].


[Resource] I'm doing the best I can and I need help!


The Ultimate 2022 Goals Experiment