Networking to Build Meaningful Connections

“If your dreams only involve you, they are not big enough.”

In my 20s and early 30s, I DREADED networking. The mere thought of stepping into a room full of strangers gave me heart palpitations. Social anxiety gripped me tightly, and I found solace in the corners, nursing my ginger ale and avoiding eye contact and small talk at all costs. 

At the same time, I truly believed I was doing all that I needed to do to advance in my personal and professional life and the early days of being an entrepreneur because I was doing a good job. I thought,  “That should be enough, right?” 

That was until I heard someone say, “If your dreams only involve you, they are not big enough.” 

That was a lightbulb moment for me. I never deeply considered how essential community was to fulfilling my dreams or how overly self-reliant I was, which also led to burnout and exhaustion. I also had a flawed understanding of networking. Networking wasn't about exchanging business cards or making surface-level connections; it was about forging meaningful relationships, learning from diverse perspectives, and unlocking opportunities that I never knew existed. 

So, then I thought, well, I understand the value of networking, but I'm an introvert, shy, can be random, and even occasionally awkward.

 I held onto this mindset until someone else said, “It's totally okay to have different personalities and temperaments. It's not okay to let your personality or temperament get in the way of achieving your dreams.”

“It's not okay to let your personality or temperament get in the way of achieving your dreams.”

From that moment, instead of rehearsing stories of who I wasn't, I shifted my attention to looking for opportunities to teach me who I wanted to be—someone more confident and excited to meet and connect with people in both familiar and unfamiliar spaces around shared interests and values.

At Hey Auntie! this month, my goal is to do the same for you - equip you with tools and resources to help you confidently network while building authentic relationships


Your Adventure Awaits!


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